
We are shaping the future of energy

Our approach to the digitalization of the German electricity market

We are shaping the future of energy by implementing the digitalization of the German electricity grid with future-proof end-to-end metering solutions.

neugemacht GmbH: A joint venture for the energy transition

neugemacht GmbH is a joint venture between Gridspertise and Cuculus, two leading companies in the field of digital transformation of power grids and critical infrastructures.

Digitalization for sustainable energy

neugemacht GmbH offers a comprehensive digital platform for metering point operation that meets the requirements of both the basic metering point operator and the competitive metering point operator in the German market.

Support for the energy transition

Our solutions improve end customers' awareness of energy consumption and enable dynamic energy purchasing and trading as well as applications that support building-specific certifications.

neugemacht GmbH for a sustainable energy transition

The brand name “neugemacht” underlines our ambition to bring a new approach to the industry and accelerate the necessary network digitization.


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Innovation for sustainable grids

Gridspertise offers smart grid devices and end-to-end cloud edge platform solutions to accelerate the digital transformation of electricity distribution grids.

Technology for critical infrastructures

Cuculus offers its leading "ZONOS" IoT platform for critical infrastructure, including Advanced Meter Management (AMM) and Meter Data Management (MDM).

Our vision and mission

A sustainable energy transition through accelerated grid digitalization

We are enabling the green energy transition for a sustainable world on the German market in order to achieve the climate neutrality target for 2050. Our goal is to become the leading company for smart metering in Germany and accelerate the energy transition using state-of-the-art software and technology solutions.

Climate-friendly products

We make the energy transition possible. We not only operate metering systems, but also support energy and consumption optimization, infrastructure stability, dynamic use and storage concepts. All this so that a climate-optimized supply can be guaranteed.

Sustainable processes

A stable infrastructure requires stable and secure processes, which we provide. In addition to security, stability and process consistency, we also focus on improvement, simplification and the inclusion of other elements in our processes.